Compare Beacons
All iBeacons™ leverage the same firmware but their lifetime, form-factor or details differ depending on the application they are being utilised for.
iBeacons™ – Working With MOTOTRBO™ To Deliver An Efficient Combined Solution
Two Way Radio
Staff and assets can be located with this invisible geofencing technology so you can ensure your employees are in the right place at the right time.
How do they work?
These small, battery-operated units broadcast their unique identifier over Bluetooth. The radio continually listens for the iBeacons, and periodically sends a report over the MOTOTRBO™ data channel to the application.
The coverage area of the iBeacons can be within the range of 1 to 80 meters; there is even a 200m range device (see below table).
The iBeacons can be installed both indoors and outdoors.
The number of the beacons installed determines the amount of area covered and the overall accuracy – The more beacons the radio reports, the more accurate the location fix will be.
The Primary Functions Available Using iBeacon™ Technology Are But Not Limited To:
- Guard Tour / Route Management
- Camera Detection
- Alarm / Intruder Management
- Asset Tracking
- Emergency / Lone Worker functionality
- Telemetry – Gate / Barrier / Key Management
Which Radio Systems Will This Solution Work With?
They can integrate with your existing radio solution and with any of the above functions.
- MOTOTRBO DP4000e Series
- MOTOTRBO SL4000e Series
The iBeacon™ and geofencing technology will deliver an efficient combined solution allowing you to work with what you already have on site.